
Growth Mindset: Creating a Motto

                                        Charlie Mike--Continue the Mission My mother was in the army, and one thing that I have heard countless times over the years is Charlie Mike. It means continue the mission. I have told myself that when I am struggling with motivation to do schoolwork, or struggling to make myself do things that I know have to be done, but won't be fun, like chores. I have told myself this over and over, and its always been what I fall back on. 

Wikipedia Trail: From Trojan War to Warring States Period

                                                    Burning of Troy Trojan War I am doing my Storybook Project on the women of The Iliad , which of course means I would be writing about the Trojan War. I wanted to learn a bit more about it, because although my stories did not focus on the Trojan War itself, you can never know too much about Greek mythology.   Apple of Discord T he Apple of Discord is what started the Trojan War, although most attribute it to Helen running away with Paris. The only mention of the Apple of Discord in my Storybook Project is one line in the story of Helen. Eris, the goddess of strife, used it to cause, well, strife between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.   Killing Three Warriors With Two Peaches This was in the see also tab of the above article. I clicked on it because it is an extremely interesting title. Duk...

Famous Last Words: Week Before Dead Week

 I did get both readings done this week. I have found that reading two or three of the stories involved in the readings, and then doing another assignment for a different class, or doing a chore around the house, before going back to the readings and repeating the process works best. In my opinion, I did my best writing this week in this class. I am very proud of the way my Storybook project is coming along. I especially like the chapter I revised this week, about Andromache. I think that I did a really good job of telling their stories instead of the story of the Trojan War. I also think that I managed to give Helen, Cassandra, and Andromache thoughts and emotions—to give them life—while still staying true to what we know of their stories. I tried not to change too much of them. I have not noticed connections between what I am doing for this class and what I am doing for other classes. This class is very much unrelated to any of my other classes. However, I have noticed that my wr...

Microfiction: Two Unrelated Stories

Drabble  The Shoes                She rubs her stomach as she browses eBay, looking for things for a baby girl. She already has some decorations, but she needs clothes. She clicks on a picture of pink shoes. The ad says ‘Baby shoes, one to six weeks, mint condition. Free’. Her grin slides off her face as she contemplates what could have happened to make someone sell unused baby shoes.                She scolds herself. She shakes her head. She hovers the mouse over the buy now button and lets out a harsh breath before clicking.                Six weeks later, a new add for unused baby shoes goes up. Author's Note: I saw the microfiction about the baby shoes, and I came up with this. I wanted it to be sort of haunting, so I hope that is what came through.  Two-sente...

Story lab: Week 14

 This site was really interesting! I had a lot of fun browsing through the articles and such. The first one I read was the clothes make the character. That was interesting to me, because I think that applies more for a tv show than for a book. I have not mentioned clothes a single time in any of the stories in my Storybook project. However, there is an emphasis on clothing in books with things like livery or family seals or such. In Game of Thrones, for instance, the different houses wear their house colors and sigils, and that is how we differentiate groups of people. Or in Harry Potter, where they wear cloaks in the wizarding world and ‘regular’ clothes in the muggle world. I also liked the articles about how to describe different things without using the same words over and over. I tend to lose words when I write for some reason, or I will know the word that I need but not be able to think of it, so these articles would be a great help. I really liked this site!     ...

Reading Notes: Ashliman, Part B

Bibliography: The Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales The Fox and the Cat A fox meets a cat. The cat is nice, the fox is arrogant and the fox dies because he sought out hunting dogs to teach the cat something. The cat climbed a tree but the fox could not. The Little Lamb and the Little Fish There was a brother and a sister who had an evil stepmother. She cursed them, and turned the brother into a fish and the sister into a lamb. The brother and sister were eventually turned back by a wise woman and they lived happily ever after. Simeli Mountain There was a poor brother and a rich brother. The rich brother did not give the poor brother anything. One day, the poor brother saw twelve mountain men open up a mountain, and he did the same. Inside the mountain were many riches. The poor brother took the gold home and made a life for his family. The rich brother found out, opened the mountain, and got stuck. The mountain men k...

Reading Notes: Ashliman, Part A

 Bibliography: Dan Ashliman's Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales Cat And Mouse In Partnership                There was a male cat and a female mouse who lived together and put away a pot of fat to store in the church. They wanted to save it for winter. The cat ate the fat without the mouse, and when the mouse called him on it, he at her too, as it is ‘the way of the world’.   The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids                A wolf swallowed six young goats whole, and the seventh told the mother what had happened. The mother and the youngest came upon the sleeping wolf and cut open his stomach, freeing her children. She then put rocks in his stomach and sewed it back up, and when the wolf went to get a drink, he drowned.   The Seven Ravens            ...